Film Screening Grants

Image for Film Screening Grants



Recommended films for screening

More than ever, films and documentaries are cited as reasons people are moved to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Film-screening events are great opportunities for vegan outreach. Here's a list of our recommended films for screening.

VegFund's guide to hosting a film screening

VegFund's booklet, The Definitive Guide to Hosting a Vegan Film Screening, will ensure you have everything covered for your film-screening event!

Post-screening discussion guide

A discussion or Q&A session following a film screening can be a valuable addition to your event. Check out our discussion guide for tips and information on moderating an effective post-screening discussion.

VegFund's film-screening audience survey guide

VegFund has developed a brief survey targeted to attendees of film-screenings. If you are awarded a film-screening grant, VegFund asks that you encourage attendees to complete the questionnaire. This guide lists steps for accessing and administering the survey.

See what other grantees are doing

Vegan activists from the Italian organization Essere Animali hosted a highly successful tour of the documentary film, The Last Pig. Allison Argo (filmmaker) and Bob Comis (protagonist) joined the Italian activists on tour, igniting discussions across Italy and helping the film gain nationwide visibility.