Special Project Grants

Image for Special Project Grants



Strategic Communications: Webinar and Guide

This video of a presentation by Ann Searight Christiano and Annie Neimand, "The Vegan Guide to Strategic Communications," and the accompanying workbook show you how to think strategically about your events, campaigns, and communications.

Plant-based Health and Nutrition Resources

The value and power of plant-based diets in supporting human health are gaining mainstream recognition in the medical, nutrition, and healing communities. Following is a list of online resources, films, and conferences that present the latest information in this growing field.

See what other grantees are doing

Brian Stafford, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE), surveyed his co-workers' interest in learning about plant-based eating. Based on his results, he created Plant-Based Power Up, a workplace program that shares vegan recipes, cooking demos, and other resources with his coworkers.

Another grantee special project

Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy launched The Synagogue Vegan Challenge to encourage veganism within the Jewish community. Now a yearly event, five synagogues in the United States and Canada commit to vegan educational programs for one year and receive a $5,000 grant upon completion of the challenge.