Crediting VegFund
Including VegFund in your messaging
In the interest of informing the veg-interested public of the availability of grant-funding through VegFund, we ask that you include VegFund in your messaging or promotions through linked content, inclusion of mention of the VegFund logo with link, and/or tags.
Social media
- Grantees should include at least one mention of @VegFund in their social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), tagging VegFund and using #VegFundMe.
- For projects that last longer than one week, we ask that grantees make at least three mentions of @VegFund in their social media channels.
- All VegFund social media accounts have the same user name: @VegFund
Online and web-based campaigns
For online and web-based campaigns, grantees should include the VegFund logo (linked to the VegFund website) and the words “Sponsored in part by VegFund” somewhere within the content of the website.
Physical events
For event-based grant activities, we ask that you place a simple sponsorship sign in a location visible to most attendees.
Larger grants and multiple grants/year
For grant funding at or above $5,000, VegFund reserves the right to negotiate a specific sponsorship package that may include more extensive branding.
For grantees who receive more than one grant per year, VegFund reserves the right to request a “testimonial” to include on our the VegFund community webpage.