The Rapid Growth of Maryland Vegan Restaurant Week

How to harness the power of partnerships

This is a Special Project Grants grant story
Learn more about this grant



participating restaurants


restaurant patrons


surveys completed

You can have the best thing, the best event, the best product, but if there's no marketing, if there's no promotion, if no one's talking about it, then no one's going to know.

Naijha Wright-Brown, co-creator of Maryland Vegan Restaurant Week

People have really come to understand and recognize that you can open a 100% vegan business, or a business that is very, very veg-friendly, to great success.

Sam Claassen, co-creator of Maryland Vegan Restaurant Week

When we first started this, no one in the U.S. was doing it, not one. Now when you search, you see South Maryland, Philly, South Florida... so many!

Naijha Wright-Brown, co-creator of Maryland Vegan Restaurant Week

Top Tip

It feels really good that people are looking to Baltimore as a source of inspiration and that it's as far west as Colorado Springs in Colorado — they had a vegan week, and it was because they were inspired by what was going on here.

Sam Claassen, co-creator of Maryland Vegan Restaurant Week